About us

About West Norfolk

West Norfolk encompasses both the North Norfolk coast and inland rolling countryside with historic market towns and the renowned Sandringham estate. We operate across traditional seaside locations like Hunstanton, as well as the main town of Kings Lynn, where our head office is based. In the west of the region the land flattens out and merges into Fenland. It’s a diverse region featuring urban deprived areas, through to more affluent villages and towns and quiet rural areas where agriculture is the main way of life.

Did you know?

West Norfolk has a higher than average older population and number of care home residents versus the rest of the UK.
Parts of West Norfolk are the most deprived in the country, which brings with it significant health inequalities across the borough.
This means GPs in the area are struggling to cope with rising demand, working harder, over longer hours to provide the care needed.

Regional challenges and opportunities for change

As a result of this unique perspective, Health West Norfolk aims to help the region’s GP practices build resilience and sustainable operations to cope with current and future healthcare needs. 

Our mandate is to enable new ways of working and models of care which overcome some of the challenges faced by the UK health economy - from falling recruitment, rising early retirement and funding cuts.
This requires innovation and agility, so we’ve piloted and rolled out our service offering to align with NHS England’s commitment to modernising healthcare provision at scale.

Find out more about the NHSE Long Term Plan here
Find out more about the GPFV here
Find out more about the Primary Care Networks here